Friday, March 9, 2012


Hi all -- never let it be said that I under-communicate...

It looks like we're going to have good meet weather for tomorrow. Please be on time to sign up for your shifts, especially if you are working setup (be at the field at noon) or a first-shift job (be at the field at 12:30pm.) Athletes should also report by 12:30 to locate their coaches, get signed in, and warm up. We will try very hard to start promptly at 1pm, and I plan to finish by 4:30. The second shift positions are still looking a little thin -- we always appreciate it when families are willing to step up and take on another shift. You'll learn a lot, your day will pass quickly, and you'll be one step closer to the coveted "Super Helpful" status.

Even though this is our parent practice meet, we will still conduct it like the others this season, just a little more slowly. Only coaches and signed-in volunteers should be on the track and field during the meet. We're expecting the St. Monica/St. Perpetua team to join us tomorrow as well, so please be gracious hosts and recognize the efforts of all the athletes, regardless of which t-shirt they are wearing.

For those of you new to track, or who are a little rusty since last spring, I've made up a small "event order" card that you can print out and keep in your pocket to help you follow along:

Girls run events first, starting with grade 2 and working up to grade 8, then boys run from grade 2 working up to grade 8.

Some events are grade-limited (like the 50m) and we will combine grades for some events (the 1600m, the 800m), so please pay attention to the announcements on the PA system. It's a good idea to sit near a coach or make friends with a veteran track family if you're feeling lost. You'll be able to recognize them: they're the ones wearing sunscreen under a heavy sweater.

Finally, remember that athletes must follow the "2 and 1" rule: they may participate in at most 2 individual running events and 1 field event, OR 2 field events and 1 individual running event. Relays are unlimited, though we will probably only run the 4x100m tomorrow.

Looking forward to our season -- see you tomorrow at College Park.

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