I'm sending this a little bit early today since the results for the Qualifying Meet are now published on the web site for you to check.
League Meet
Remember, the 1600m race next week will take place at Heritage HS in Brentwood at 6pm on
Friday evening May 2nd. The 7th & 8th grade boys (not girls!) high jump will also take place
at the same time.
The rest of the events will take place Saturday, May 3rd, at Granada High School in Livermore starting at 9am with the 4x100m relays.
If your child qualified (or appears to be an alternate) in any event but he or she will not be able to
compete next weekend, please let me know by Monday afternoon at 5pm at the latest. I
will attend a league seeding meeting Monday evening where we'll go over all of the results
and finalize lane assignments for next week. I should have a final list of qualifiers on
Tuesday at practice.
We will be recruiting "volunteers" from among the parents of qualifiers to work at the League
Meet, so please try to help out. Since many of the qualifiers are children of primary or
assistant coaches, we may be asking coaches to work at this meet too. (If your athlete
is not available to compete though, of course we won't ask you to work.) We will get our
job assignments Monday night too; if you have a job you'd really like to do, please let
me know and I'll see if I can capture that job as part of our allotment.
Practice Continues
As I said earlier, all athletes are welcome at practice for the next two weeks whether they
qualified in an event or not. We will undoubtedly have a much smaller group over these
last four practices as the season winds down. As usual, practices will be at College Park
on Tuesday and Thursday from 5 to 6:30pm.
If you have any questions, please be sure to ask.
See you on or near the track,
Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator
Visit www.ctktrack.org
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