Monday, April 14, 2008

CTK Track News for week of 14 Apr 08...

Greetings Track Families,

Thanks again to all of the parents who helped out at the meet yesterday. The meet ran very smoothly until the primary coach for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys attempted to insert runners into the 4x400m at the very last minute and confused everyone. You would think he'd learn.

We especially appreciate those who worked extra shifts and we will remember you indeed during the end-of-season drawing at the picnic. The families of Christ The King second graders had first communions yesterday or have them next weekend so I expect we'll be scrambling again for volunteers. I am always pleased with how cheerfully everyone serves their time at the meets -- you all put on a very good act and I appreciate it.

This Week
We'll have two practices this week, on Tuesday and Thursday at College Park as usual. I am told by the lacrosse coach that they have a game Tuesday afternoon again but it should be finished by 5pm so you may catch the end of it if you come early to practice.

Our meet next weekend will seem very familiar if you were there yesterday. We'll be at YVHS again, and host both St Agnes and St. Ignatius again. However, we'll see St. John Vianney and St. Francis of Assisi (instead of St. Monica and QAS this weekend).

As usual, we'd like to see first shift volunteers and athletes at YVHS by 8:30am.

Ribbon/Result Problems
I have heard anecdotally about various result or ribbon problems, especially from the relay meet. If you think something is wrong, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it and get your athlete the proper ribbon if necessary. I fixed a few problems today already. Please send me an email about such problems and I'll get to it as soon as I can.

Lost & Found
I added a number of new treasures to the Lost and Found page of the web site. Please check out the collection.

Bring More Water
My son brought two full water bottles to the meet Saturday and still ran out of water. Please make sure you send plenty of water with your child to meets. It's hot out there!

Qualifying Meet Coming
Next week is our last regular "practice" meet. After that, our athletes start trying to qualify for the post-season league and diocese championship meets. We'll talk more about how the Qualifying Meet works next time.

See you on the track,


Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator

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