Sunday, March 13, 2016

News for the Week of March 13th

Tuesdays at PH Middle, 5:00-6:30
Thursdays at College Park, 5:00-6:30

We're on our dual-locations for the rest of the season. Tuesday at Pleasant Hill Middle School, Thursdays at College Park. Practices are 5:00-6:30pm thanks to extra daylight.

Twitter (@ctktrack) or the front page of the team site for weather updates by 4:00pm on practice days.

Meet #1 Recap

Our first official CYO meet of 2015 is in the bag! Here's what happens next:
  • Results from the meet are keyed in by the league and will be sent to coordinators
  • After we've corrected any obvious errors, they get published online
  • I'll clean them up and post to our team page on  
Thanks to all the families who helped out at the meet. Your participation was greatly appreciated.

The first meet always has a few rough edges. Meets should take a little less time each week as volunteers hit their stride along with the athletes.

Remember to keep perspective! This is all about the athletes having fun, and they had plenty of that. I checked.

Ribbons and other Paraphernalia

The league manages our meet results. The top three finishers in each race heat and field event should receive a ribbon at a future practice. Placement at practice meets is determined by grade and gender: if we combined heats at the meet, the results are sorted out afterward.

Our team tracks personal bests, and hands out special gold ribbons. Returning athletes who broke their own records from previous seasons will get a ribbon at practice. You get a ribbon for breaking your personal record, not for setting an initial PR, therefore you don't get a gold ribbon the first time you do an event.

Finally, we have a special "7-up Club" for athletes who compete in seven or more different individual events during one season. Relays don't count towards this total. There's a fancy embroidered patch that we'll give out at the end of the season.

Meet #2: Saturday March 19, Dougherty Valley High in San Ramon
  • Athletes/Coaches arrive: 8:15am
  • First event (my guess): 8:45am
Looking ahead
  • No practice 3/22 or 3/24 and no meet 3/26 (Easter week)
Volunteer News

Our Web Admin, Bem Jones-Bey, has added a Volunteering link on the website, that links to Sign Up Genius and to a comprehensive how-to doc for all the various meet jobs, Track 101. Check it out. Even if you thought you knew what you were doing, this doc will probably teach you something.

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