Hello again families: just a reminder that our team signups start next week at Christ the King school in Pleasant Hill, in room 222:
- Thursday, January 22 - 6:00-8:00pm
- Tuesday, January 27 - 6:00-8:00pm
To be prepared, you should bring:
- Completed health release and concussion information forms for each athlete
- A team registration form, which I'm updating for 2015 and will put online soon
- For all new athletes, you need to leave a copy of their birth certificate or other proof of age with us. A photocopy is fine. We do not have a copier at signups.
- For all athletes: their T-shirt size for the uniform (youth or adult size)
- Your checkbook for paying the registration fees, and for leaving a volunteer deposit
- Your calendar for noting when you signed up to volunteer at meets
Only coaches and assistant coaches need to complete this form.
Blank forms will be available at signups if you forget, but we need to have all your paperwork and payments in to register your athlete(s).
My name is Mike, I'll be working behind the main volunteer tables, answering questions. If you're new, stop by and say hello -- and be prepared to re-introduce yourself a few times, because I'm terrible with names.
Remember that CYO track is open to all athletes regardless of religious affiliation, as long as they meet the age requirements (grades 2-8). If your athlete attends school or religious formation classes at one of our parishes, then that will be the team that they run for. This is a rule across all CYO sports.
If your athlete is a "free agent," then their team is determined by their home address from the registration forms. I use this map from the diocese to make the parish determination:
Search for your home address, and then click on the colored area of the map to see which parish you reside in. If it turns out that you're outside of the St. Catherine, Christ the King, or St. Stephen boundaries, feel free to send me an email and I can help put you in touch with the coordinator for your area team.
With the exception of relay teams at the end of the season, the parish an athlete belongs to has no impact on their CYO track career.
New Uniform Shirts for 2015
Long-promised, we are going to retire the old T-shirts that have been our uniforms for at least the past decade, and are at last joining the era of performance fabrics. The new shirts are lighter weight than the old T's, which should help keep the athletes a little more comfortable on those sunny April meets.
You can see the shirts on Amazon here:
We're working on the designs now, and hope to have a mockup for signups. I plan to keep the red/navy/gold main color of the three parishes.
A uniform shirt is required for all athletes participating in CYO meets.
We also offer team sweatshirts, which might come in handy for those meets where it's not-so-sunny. Sweatshirts are not part of the official uniform, and are not required (but are very cozy.)
Returning Families: Jobs for You!
I have one family already helping out, but could use two additional veteran families to work signup nights. Yes, of course this counts towards your volunteer time...
I'd like to start setup at 5:30, and be cleaned up and gone by 8:30. You'll either be tapped to be one of our Helpful Friendly Cashiers and Paperwork Gatherers, or positioned at the front door as our Super Greeter and Paperwork Hander-Outer. If you are able to help out both nights, including setup and cleanup, please send me an email. First come, first served. You must sign-in and -out to earn credit. Returning families only, please.
There's also a new meet job this year. I'm reaching out to find a family with the magic combination of a truck or large vehicle and a willingness to stick out the meets to be our official tent wrangler for the season. We normally get assigned three pop-up tents, sandbags, and some bungee cords with our meet gear. I need a caretaker and hauler for the tents this year owing to devoting the backseat to my own rookie athlete.
The wrangler will need to arrive at meet setup to unload the tents and stick around to the end of the day to haul them away again. You could even pair this up with meet setup and cleanup shifts and really burn through that volunteer time.
If you have ever dreamed of being the official Bringer of Shade to a track meet, then this is your chance to realize that dream. Look for the new "tent wrangler" job on the volunteer sheets at signups.
All Families: Jobs for You, too!
We're always on the lookout for professional medical workers who can be stationed at the first aid tent during meets. Please let me know at signup night if you're able to give us some of your Saturdays in exchange for a trackside seat and the promise of administering ice packs and bandages. Our team first aid kit could also use a professional's eye, if you can look it over.
All our meets are volunteer-run, and you'll be kept pretty busy during your volunteer shifts. If you have extenuating circumstances that would prevent you from helping out -- mobility issues, brand-new baby in tow, etc. -- please see me at signups and we'll see if there's some way you can help the team out.
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