Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Reminder: Bonus practice tomorrow, plus uniforms, shoes, results and ribbons!

Practices on Wednesday and Thursday

Just a reminder that tomorrow, March 19 is one of our "bonus Wednesday" practices at College Park, to help make up for the time we're off the track due to lacrosse. If you're able to make it, practice will run for the normal time, 5:00-6:30pm and we will meet in the stadium stands.
We will also have practice on Thursday at 5:00, meeting in the stadium stands.


Uniforms are in and the Crossman family is planning to pass out the remaining pieces. Look for them as you're coming down out of the parking lot.

I'm also bringing a large bin of used track shoes (aka "spikes") to practice this week, if any athletes are interested in a pair to wear at meets. If you have a serviceable but outgrown old pair from a past season, feel free to contribute to the bin.
Meet #1 Results

The results from the first meet are up and linked on our schedule page:

Note: on the Google Docs link, we are the "DVC" meet, not the "DV" meet (Dougherty Valley)
They are also broken out by athlete on Athletic.net:

Athletic.net doesn't cope well with co-ed relay teams, but the individual events should be in cleanly. Let me know if you spot a typo, especially on athlete names.
Ribbons should come from the league very soon, and they will go to on of our assembly and sorting volunteers. Personal best ribbons will also be heading out for sorting. We usually hand these out at the end of practice. Remember! First, second, and third place are great to get, but the personal bests are better -- those mean improvement.

Returning athletes are the first to earn these each season, but I hope everyone earns some over the course of the season.

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