Greetings Track Parents,
Thanks to everyone who worked hard at the Qualifying Meet on Saturday. We had beautiful weather and fine performances from many of our athletes. On to the championship part of the season!
Qualifying Meet Results
As I sent earlier, the unofficial meet results for our meet Saturday are here:
We are Meet A, so look for your kids there. If you saw"#NAME?" earlier for the 800m
and some 200m results, I have fixed that now so look again. Also as I said earlier,
please get me any comments by 4pm Monday so that I may look up the results at
our Coordinators meeting Monday evening.
If your child possibly or definitely qualified but cannot compete next weekend, please let me
know ASAP. If your child was on a relay team that possibly or definitely qualified but cannot compete next weekend, please let your child's primary coach know ASAP so they can work on finding a replacement.
If you have general questions about the Sectional Championship Meet, please have
a look at the new FAQ page on the web site. Or you can always ask if I haven't explained
something there clearly enough.
* I have not had time to update the Lost & Found collection page for Saturday yet.
Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator
Practice Day Change
Due to College Park's lacrosse schedule, we can't practice on the track for the next two Tuesdays (4/27 and 5/4). For that reason, as I announced last week at practice, we'll practice Mondays 4/26 and 5/3 instead. As it stands now, rain is forecast for Tuesday so this may turn out to be a wise move!
Practices are for EVERYONE
If your athlete didn't qualify on Saturday for the championship part of the season, please
be assured that they are still welcome at practice this week and next. We should have
ribbons on Thursday this week and I believe they will go to 5th place.
Picnic Coming
Make sure you've marked your calendar for the Team Awards Picnic on Sunday, May 30, from 11am until 3pm at Pleasant Hill Park. One tradition we have is to salute our departing 8th graders, and recognize those who have been with the team since they were in 2nd or 3rd grade. We will also have our annual drawing for extra-helpful parents. Will you be a winner? I hope you all can come, if only to pick over the Lost & Found collection*!
See you on the track,
Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator