Sunday, April 25, 2010

CTK Track news for the week of 26 Apr 10...

Greetings Track Parents,

Thanks to everyone who worked hard at the Qualifying Meet on Saturday. We had beautiful weather and fine performances from many of our athletes. On to the championship part of the season!

Qualifying Meet Results
As I sent earlier, the unofficial meet results for our meet Saturday are here:

We are Meet A, so look for your kids there. If you saw"#NAME?" earlier for the 800m
and some 200m results, I have fixed that now so look again. Also as I said earlier,
please get me any comments by 4pm Monday so that I may look up the results at
our Coordinators meeting Monday evening.

If your child possibly or definitely qualified but cannot compete next weekend, please let me
know ASAP. If your child was on a relay team that possibly or definitely qualified but cannot compete next weekend, please let your child's primary coach know ASAP so they can work on finding a replacement.

If you have general questions about the Sectional Championship Meet, please have
a look at the new FAQ page on the web site. Or you can always ask if I haven't explained
something there clearly enough.

Practice Day Change
Due to College Park's lacrosse schedule, we can't practice on the track for the next two Tuesdays (4/27 and 5/4). For that reason, as I announced last week at practice, we'll practice Mondays 4/26 and 5/3 instead. As it stands now, rain is forecast for Tuesday so this may turn out to be a wise move!

Practices are for EVERYONE
If your athlete didn't qualify on Saturday for the championship part of the season, please
be assured that they are still welcome at practice this week and next. We should have
ribbons on Thursday this week and I believe they will go to 5th place.

Picnic Coming
Make sure you've marked your calendar for the Team Awards Picnic on Sunday, May 30, from 11am until 3pm at Pleasant Hill Park. One tradition we have is to salute our departing 8th graders, and recognize those who have been with the team since they were in 2nd or 3rd grade. We will also have our annual drawing for extra-helpful parents. Will you be a winner? I hope you all can come, if only to pick over the Lost & Found collection*!

See you on the track,


* I have not had time to update the Lost & Found collection page for Saturday yet.
Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator

CTK Track News for the week of 19 Apr 10...

Greetings Track Families,

We had beautiful weather in Granada yesterday for our final "practice meet." I especially want to recognize and thank the volunteers we pulled from the stands to fill in for some (ahem) no-shows. Thank you very much! Results are not posted yet unfortunately but I'm sure they will appear soon.

We'll practice twice this week as usual.
  • Tuesday, April 20, 5-6:30pm at College Park HS track
  • Thursday, April 22, 5-6:30pm at College Park HS track
The forecast for this Tuesday is rainy so please remember to check the "Twitter box" on the web site home page after 4pm to see if practice has been cancelled due to rain.

Qualifying Meet
Next Saturday is our Qualifying Meet. The location was finally announced on Friday night:
  • Saturday, April 24, 9am at Ygnacio Valley HS track
Briefly, the qualifying meet will determine who qualifies for the Sectional Championship meet the following week. This meet will be just like our regular meets except for two differences:
  • Second graders run as third graders from now on
  • Relay teams must be gender-pure, parish-pure, and grade-pure.
To save many of you reading about this for the millionth time, I have started a new page on the web site called "FAQ" where the first two entries attempt to address all of the most frequently asked questions about the Qualifying Meet and the Sectional Championship Meet.
Please check there first, and then call or write with any remaining questions. (Old-timers are encouraged to proofread that page since I just wrote it!)

Lost & Found
The collection continues to grow. Please check the "Lost & Found" page on the web site if you left something at Granada yesterday. If the item is not there, it may be in the snack shack at Granada High School. After the meet yesterday, a coach from St. Michael and I wandered around the track picking up clothing. I took some with me if I recognized them or if there was a name or (say) a local swim team insignia, and she took some with her. We just guessed on the rest.

Picnic Coming
As kids finish their season with us, I want to remind everyone to mark their calendars for Sunday, May 30 when we'll have our annual Team Picnic where we hand out lots of awards. More details are coming on that, but I hope you'll save the date.

See you on the track,


Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator

Sunday, April 11, 2010

CTK Track news for the week of 11 Apr 2010...

Greetings Track Families,

Welcome back to everyone who has been away for spring break!

Relay Meet
The relay meet yesterday was a lot of fun despite the unseasonably windy and cold conditions.
Results are posted on the web site and have been uploaded to

Between our meet at Ygnacio Valley and the other relay meet at DVC, ten new records were
set including one by the 6th grade boys medley team of Marco Monti, Ian Dota-Clemens, Jake
Simpson, and David Phair. (The record they broke was just set by a CTK/SC team last year.)
Our 7th grade girls St. Catherine team of Helene Hollidge, Allie Timbrell, Tara Schueller and
Janean Bell also broke the old medley relay, but alas a St. Joan of Arc team running at DVC
did too, and they were faster.

We will have ribbons for 1st through 5th place (combining heats) this week at practice.

We will try to practice twice this week as usual but it may be a challenge practicing on Tuesday.
The College Park HS lacrosse team has a 5pm game on Tuesday so we can't practice at the track.
Last season, we moved to the grass field behind the baseball diamond once or twice but the
rain today and tomorrow may prevent us doing even that. Please check the "Twitter Box" on
the web site's home page where I'll post an update by 4pm Tuesday.

On Thursday we'll practice from 5-6:30pm as usual on the track.

Next Meet
Our meet next Saturday will take place at Granada High School in Livermore at 9am which
is 40-45 minutes away. Please plan accordingly to get your athletes to the meet on time!

Granada High School features "fully automated timing" which will relieve many of the timers
and judges of working most of the events. We'll still need volunteers as relay judges and
to staff the opposite side 50m & 100m. Granada even has two high jump pits so the volunteer
schedule has been reworked to reflect all these changes. (We'll give the boys the glory of the
home side this time, and send the girls to the opposite side.)

Granada has a very nice facility and will be hosting the League Championship and
Diocesan Championship meets this season. They feature a big snack bar, which is
a major fundraiser for their track and field team so have a bite of lunch while you're
there! Directions to Granada are on the web site, or plug "400 Wall St., Livermore"
into your navigation system.

That's all for this week. See you on the track,


Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator

Thursday, April 8, 2010

CTK Track News for the week of 5 Apr 10...

Hi everyone,

I know I promised (you PROMISED!) no team email this week but things are piling up here
at CTK Track world headquarters so here goes a mid-week special.

Will You Miss the Relay Meet?
If your athlete will miss the relay meet, PLEASE tell your runner's primary coach. An
email address for one of the coaches in each group is listed on the Staff page of the web
site. The coaches try very hard to put together good relay teams and knowing ahead of the
meet that your athlete is not coming is a lot better than being surprised. Thank you!
(Note: if you've already told me that your athlete is missing the meet and he or she
is not in my group, I passed along the info to the proper authority.)

A whole lot of volunteers are signed up to work the relay meet and, judging by history,
our volunteers making reminder phone calls will find that a number of them are actually
on vacation this week. If you are at the meet on Saturday, and hear us appeal for a few
more CTK volunteers, please step forward and help out.

Fabulous Prizes
I don't believe that I have mentioned our annual drawing for "extra-helpful volunteers"
this season. Our volunteer coordinator keeps track of who has worked extra shifts at
our meets during the season and these volunteers are entered in a drawing at the
picnic at the end of the season. A few rules:
  • Every shift after your fifth earns you a "ticket" for the drawing.
  • The Mini-Meet does not count, nor do the League Meet or Diocese Meet
  • We take into account that certain jobs are full-meet jobs so they count double
  • You need not attend the picnic to win
  • Hiring YV students to work your shift definitely counts as a shift worked
  • Please always sign in so we know when you've worked!
Ygnacio Valley Students for Hire Again
If you are interested in hiring YVHS athletes to fill your shifts at the Relay Meet,
please let me (or Katy, our volunteer coordinator) know by Thursday. A few more
can be hired at the last minute at the meet but it will help the coach plan to know
how many of his runners are likely to be needed.

Marty Mart Scholarship
8th Grade CYO athletes are invited to apply for the Marty Mart Scholarship
every year. If you have an 8th grader and are interested, please see the application

Three More Quick Items
  • The Relay Meet starts at 9am, so please arrive at 8:30am at YV to warm up
  • If you've seen the missing walkie talkie, please tell me!
  • Practice resumes tomorrow at 5pm at College Park!
See you on the track,


Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator