Monday, February 11, 2008

CTK Track News for week of 11 Feb 08...

Greetings Track Families,

We'll practice twice this week:
  • Tuesday, Feb 12, from 5pm to dusk at College Park HS track
  • Thursday, Feb 14, from 5pm to dusk at College Park HS track
Parent Meeting Handouts Posted
For those unfortunates who missed the parent meeting, the handouts are posted
on the team web
site under Handouts. Thank you for coming if you did make it.

Besides the information on the handouts, our main news is that with DVC unavailable this season, we'll be doing more driving. The meet schedule is not ready yet (and of course you'll find out here when it is) but the venues are likely to be Ygnacio Valley HS in Concord, Freedom HS in Brentwood, and Granada HS in Livermore. There's a chance, thanks to CTK track parent Sandy Jones, that we could find ourselves at Riverview Middle School in Bay Point at times too. (Before you write in and ask, "What about XXX or YYY?," please realize that the league coordinators have thoroughly researched all of the obvious and most of the not-so obvious tracks. Sandy's idea was one we hadn't thought of yet, but DVC, DLS, CVHS, CPHS, and other local tracks were all ruled out for one reason or another.)

Meet Jobs
I've typed in all of the meet jobs you signed up for before the season began and I will be working with our volunteer coordinators to fill in the gaps with those who signed up late. I hope we'll have all of these posted soon.

Job Openings
There are two key team jobs that we could use volunteers for:

First Aid Coordinator -- In the past, we've had two parents with first aid training share this job. We would like one of you to be available at the meets in case there are first aid needs. Typically, this just involves band-aids and ice packs in most cases. The team has a big first aid bag that I bring to every practice and meet. Contact me if interested. (At least three of our coaches have considerable first aid training but they are often occupied at the meets.) Sharing this job would count as your complete volunteer requirement.

Data Entry -- We type in results at the meets into Excel macros using 10-key pads. If you would like to help with, probably working three or four half-meet shifts, please let me know. This job would complete your whole volunteer requirement also.

If you are signed up for something else, we'll remove you from those jobs and fill them with other parents.

Team Roster
If you are interested in viewing the team roster, there are two views available that I will keep up to date during the season. I didn't want to post them directly on our web site to help you keep your contact information a little more private. Instead, I've published some Google spreadsheets with URLs I will send you upon request.

(You'll notice the text size on the latter is a little larger so that yours truly can read them sans spectacles!)

Late Sign-Ups

We have 214 kids signed up at the moment, and all of them are apparently in Coach Diane's 4th/5th grade boys group. This number moves around a lot and we will still accept new sign-ups through the end of next week. Tell your friends, especially if they are speedy!

See you on the track,


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