Hello CTK/SC/SS Track families. It is almost time to register your athletes for the upcoming season.
Signups for the 2017 season will be held at Christ the King Church on Thurs 1/12/17 and Tuesday 1/17/17 from 6 pm to 8 pm. (The exact room is TBD.) The following three forms must be turned in (paper copies will be available at signups): Family form (1 per family), Medical Permission (1 per athlete, signed by parent), and Concussion Awareness (1 per athlete, signed by parent and athlete). In addition, we need a copy of birth certificate for each new athlete.
Practices will be on Mondays and Thursdays at the College Park High School track. Practice is from 5pm to 6:30pm (or dark). The first practice is on Thursday, February 2nd.
Cost is $80 per athlete, plus $15 for a uniform shirt if needed. Sweatshirts are also available for $35.
Volunteering: the team is 100% volunteer-run and every family is required to contribute a certain number of hours to make the program work. There is a $150 volunteer deposit per family that is returned/shredded if obligations are met. See Volunteer Obligations and Refunds. We currently have a dire need for a Volunteer Coordinator and more coaches. Please email info@ctktrack.org if you can help out in either role.
Feel free to spread the word about the team--lots of kids makes it easier to form relays!