Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CTK Track Picnic Reminder

Hi everyone,

I'm sure you all have it marked prominently on your calendars, but just in case:  

Awards Picnic!
Our annual awards picnic is this Sunday, May 29, from 11:30am until about 3pm at Pleasant Hill Park.  We'll have the "large picnic area" on the west side of the park.

The team will provide cold drinks and hot grills.  Bring whatever you want to grill and something to share.  The grills should be hot by 11:30am.  At 1pm, we'll divide into our primary groups so that we can wish our athletes and coaches a fond farewell and hand out a few more ribbons.  Then, at about 1:30pm, the whole team will re-assemble while we hand out an awful lot of awards. 

We know this is Memorial Day weekend and that some families have plans to be away.  If you can't make it to the picnic, here are a few final announcements...

DLS Summer Camps
De La Salle High School offers a number of sports camps over the summer.  A number of our athletes have participated in past camps and thoroughly enjoyed the program.  Naturally there's a Track and Field camp among the offerings.  Visit for more information.

Firecracker 5k
The City of Pleasant Hill has a 5km race on the morning of the 4th of July.  Many of our athletes, parents, and coaches are sure to participate.  Can you beat Coach Carl?  (Yes, very probably...)  See for sign-up details.

CYO Cross Country
The CYO cross country program starts in August.  If you're on this mailing list, you should get an announcement with details.  Coaches Alice Burns and Kathleen Strange will be heading up the program this fall, so contact them with questions.

See you at the park,


Carl Godkin
CTK/St.C/St.S Track & Field Coordinator

Thursday, May 12, 2011

End of Season CTK Track News...


We made it through another season! 

The Diocese Meet last weekend featured a lot of outstanding performances, especially by our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade athletes.  Congratulations to all participants!  Results are now posted and I just finished entering them into  (As usual, please let me know if you spot any mistakes!)  And thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped out at the Diocese Meet.  Speaking of volunteers...

Volunteer Deposits
Unless you received an email in the last 24 hours with the subject line "CTK Track volunteer deposit in jeopardy," you may safely add your $50 volunteer deposit back into your checkbook because I will be shredding checks this weekend.  (If you actually want your check back for some reason, please let me know by this weekend.)  

Thank you for helping run our meets this season!  If you worked more than the minimum (and signed in for those extra shifts), then you'll be entered in our "Extra-Helpful Parent Drawing" at the picnic.  Speaking of the picnic...

Awards Picnic
Our annual awards picnic will take place on Sunday, May 29, at 11:30am at Pleasant Hill Park.  The team will supply soft drinks and hot coals.  You can bring something to grill for your family, and (please!) something to share with the other families.  Starting at 1pm, it will be awards time when the team will hand out way too many awards in a variety of categories.  I hope you can come!

Next Season
This is my last season as parish coordinator.  Mike Clemens, our head clerk of the course at most meets, will take over this position.  Most of our fabulous primary coaches will be back next season, and I certainly hope and expect lots of returning assistant coaches as well.  I have no doubt that the CTK/SC/SS track program is in very good hands!

See you soon,


Carl Godkin
CTK/St.C/St.S Track & Field Coordinator

Sunday, May 1, 2011

CTK Track News for the week of 2 May 2011...

Greetings Track Families,

We had beautiful weather at Ygnacio Valley HS for the relay meet yesterday and a small but mighty group of athletes and parent volunteers.  Thanks very much for your help and/or your support of the YV student-athletes yesterday!

We've finally reached the end of the season and have just two more practices before the Diocesan Championship Meet next weekend.

  • Practice: Tuesday, May 3, 5-6:30pm, College Park High School track
  • Final Practice: Thursday, May 5, 5-6pm, College Park High School track
Note that our final practice, on Thursday, will end at 6pm instead of 6:30pm as usual.  

We'll have Relay Meet ribbons at practice this week (probably on Thursday) so please come and pick them up.  Relay Meet results should be posted in the next 24 hours...

Diocese Meet
The 1600m and 800m races will take place on Friday evening at James Logan High School in Union City.  The home page of the web site includes a link the program, including the order of events. 

The rest of the events, starting with the 4x100m relay, begin at 8:30am on Saturday at Granada High School in Livermore following the opening ceremonies which features a parade of athletes.  CTK always gets to go first, since we are first alphabetically in Section 1.  (And of course our St. Catherine and St. Stephen athletes walk with us!)  All team athletes and coaches, participating next weekend or not, are invited to walk in the parade.  Our 8th graders (sob!) carry the team banner and hopefully don't get lost leading everyone else into the stadium.

Meet Volunteers
If your athlete qualified for the Diocese Meet, we have eleven more assignments to fill before next Saturday.  If your athlete qualified in multiple events to take place on Saturday, guess who our volunteer coordinators will be calling first?  Help us out by volunteering right now for one of the openings listed under "Diocesan Meet" on the Volunteers page of the web site.  In fact, here is a handy link: .  Thanks for your help!

Volunteer Deposits
In order to help you balance your checkbooks, we will be working on our list of less-than-helpful parent non-volunteers shortly.  We will contact everyone who we think did not do their share and give them a chance to tell us that our records are incorrect.  (Remember, we asked for five volunteer shifts per family -- or the equivalent -- although we usually settle for fewer.)  If we don't hear back or if you agree with our record keeping, we'll deposit those checks and shred the rest.  At that point, we'll tell everyone that if they did not receive an email about their volunteer deposit, then they can add that $50 back into their checking account because their check is no more.  If you actually want to get your deposit check back, please contact me and I will get it back to you (at that point).

Awards Picnic
Please mark your calendars for our annual Awards Picnic on Sunday, May 29 at 11:30am at Pleasant Hill Park!  

See you on the track,


Carl Godkin
CTK/St.C/St.S Track & Field Coordinator