Sunday, May 9, 2010

Last CTK Track News for the 2010 season...

Greetings track families,

The 2010 CYO Season is now behind us aside from the picnic. If you and your athlete have not had enough track and field, I have a few ideas for you below.

Diocesan Championship Meet
Our athletes had a very successful weekend at the Diocesan Championship Meet Friday evening and Saturday. As soon as the Diocese posts the results, I'll post a link on our web site. I added the Sectional results to today and will add the Diocese results when they are available.

CTK Parish Festival
The Christ the King annual Parish Festival is next weekend. It starts Friday evening and continues Saturday and Sunday. If your kids miss seeing their track teammates, there's an excellent chance that they will see many of them (or even most of them in the case of the middle school kids) at the festival. There are games, food, live music, and lots and lots of people!

Want More Running?
If your child is especially interested in continuing with track, Diablo Valley Track & Field Club might be for you. Please check their web site at

If you are interested in a track & field summer camp, De La Salle High School is offering two sessions. See the announcement at if you are interested.

You will find a great number of your teammates, coaches, and parents at Pleasant Hill's 4th of July Firecracker 5k race. See the city's site at as we get closer to the date.

CYO Cross Country starts in late August. It's a lot of fun and pretty low-key compared to track. I'll send an announcement out before the season starts.

This Mailing List
I will send out only about three more emails to this mailing list before retiring. First, I'll send you a reminder shortly before the picnic. Second, I'll send you a CYO Cross Country announcement as I mentioned above. Third, I'll send an announcement in early January 2011 (!!) announcing CYO track again.

I hope to see you all at the awards picnic on Sunday, May 30, at Pleasant Hill Park. It's three short weeks away! It's been a pleasure working with your kids all season and of course a lot of fun running the track meets with all of you parents. Thank you for another terrific season!

See you in the park,


Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator

Sunday, May 2, 2010

CTK Track News for the week of 3 May 2010...

Greetings Track Families,

We are entering the last week of the 2010 season already. Seems like it just started! Congratulations to all of the CTK/SC/SS athletes who participated in the Sectional Championship Meet over the weekend. The coaches have a big pile of ribbons and medals to hand out!

There will be two final practices this week:
  • Monday, May 3 from 5-6:30pm at College Park HS track
  • Thursday, May 6, from 5-6:30pm at College Park HS track
(As with last week, we've abandoned our Tuesday time slot to yet another home CPHS lacrosse game.)

Diocese Meet
The Diocesan Championship Meet will take place this Friday evening and Saturday. All of the details are on the front page of the web site.

Meet Volunteers
We'll need a few meet volunteers this week for the Diocese Meet. If your child qualified, please contact Katy Simpson, our volunteer coordinator, to volunteer your time. We won't have many slots to fill at the meet but they are all important.

Thank you very much to all of the parents who worked Saturday at Granada HS. A special thanks to the tireless volunteers at the boys long jump pit who worked all day in the hot sun.

Volunteer Deposits
Most families did a great job fulfilling their volunteer jobs this season and I will be feeding my shredder most of your volunteer deposit checks shortly. However, I will be in touch with a dozen or so families who appear to have skipped working their shifts more often than not. To be sure that we don't keep any volunteer deposits in error, I'll be contacting each family whose check I plan to deposit with an individual email some time this week. The subject line will be "Volunteer Deposit in Jeopardy."

On the other end of the scale, many families worked more or MUCH more than they were asked. (Okay, I asked some of you again and again...) We'll recognize these families at the picnic and hold a drawing for gift cards to various local restaurants. We couldn't have done it without you!

Awards Picnic
We'll have our annual track family picnic with more awards than you thought possible on Sunday, May 30, at 11am at Pleasant Hill Park. Please mark your calendars, if only so the coaches can hand out all of the ribbons that have been accumulating in their bags all season. Mount Lost & Found will also appear, and anything not claimed by the end of the picnic will be donated away. Check the "Lost & Found" page on the web site.

See you on the track,


Carl Godkin
CTK/SC/SS Track & Field Coordinator