Can you believe it's the last week of the season?
The Sectional Meet was a lot of fun and there were a lot of very competitive races. Our athletes did very
well and I just finished sorting zillions of medals and ribbons to hand out on Tuesday at practice.
Our volunteers were in evidence all around the track -- thank you all! I would particularly like to recognize
some (I think all) of our double-shift volunteers who braved the elements to work the entire meet: Kent
Sasaki and Dan Wanket worked at the finish line all day; Marc Mitchell and Kelley Timbrell shared the
starter duties all day; Gina Ruotolo (who was at least dry behind her microphone) announced all day;
Carol Monti provided first aid all day long. Special thanks also to Dave Muhlenkamp, who is a clean-up
crew by himself without peer.
This Week
It's our last week of practice (sob!). We'll practice twice as usual.
- Practice, Tuesday, May 5, 5-6:30pm, College Park HS track
- Last Practice, Thursday, May 7, 5-6:30pm, College Park HS track
- Diocesan Championship Meet (1600m & 800m races), Friday, May 8, 6:30pm, James Logan High School track, 1800 H St., Union City.
- Diocesan Championship Meet (all other events), Saturday, May 3, 8:30am, Diablo Valley College track
Diocesan Championship Meet
Qualifiers for the Diocesan Championship Meet are those athletes who finished in the top 3 in their
events except for the 4x400m. In every case but the sprint medley, 4th place finishers are
alternates for the Diocesan Championship Meet. Check with the results posted here though
there still may be some errors to correct.
more details about the Diocesan Championships.
Results on
I'm having trouble getting corrected results for the Qualifying Meet last weekend so that I can update with those results. I will sort it out one way or another this week, and will upload the Sectional
Meet results. (I know some folks are big fans.)
Volunteer News
We will be assigned a few jobs at the Diocese Meet this weekend, probably in the area of field events. If you
are interested in helping out, please contact our indefatigable volunteer coordinator, Trish Brown, before she
contacts you. We have not yet been told which and how many jobs we'll have to perform.
See you on the track,