Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sectional Meet

Sectional 1600 m Race
Ygnacio Valley High School
Thursday, 4/28, arrive by 5:15, 1st call 5:45, 1st race 6:00
Admission: free

Sectional Meet
Granada High School, Livermore
Saturday, 4/30, arrive by 7:45, 1st call 8:10, 1st race 8:30
Admission: $4 adults, $2 Seniors (65+) and kids (5-13)
Note that they intend to charge admission for volunteers (think of it as a donation to a good cause) but not for coaches with badges and athletes.

At both meets, spikes are limited to 1/4" pyramid shapes. Nothing longer and no needle shapes. There will be a spike check at the entrance gate on Saturday.

I omitted relay qualifiers from my last email. These are the teams that qualified:

4x100 Relay.Girls 3rd Grade 2nd Place   CTK
4x100 Relay.Boys 5th Grade 3rd Place   CTK
Sprint Medley.Boys 7th Grade 4th Place SC
4x400 Relay.Boys 7th Grade 1st Place   SC

If your athlete was on one of those teams and cannot make it on Saturday, let your primary coach know so that he/she can try to scare up a replacement.

The complete list of qualifiers is here.

Here is the order of events for both days of the Sectional meet: Sectionals Order of Events

Meet Rules
  • Athletes check-in on the softball field behind the snack shack for races and the field event locations as usual for jumping and throwing.
  • No coaches, parents, or spectators are allowed on the track, infield, or staging area at any time.
  • Athletes should stay off the infield when they are not competing.
  • Everyone should enter the track area through a manned gate--no fence hopping.
  • Check-in ONLY when the grade is called. Events will close. Races take priority. If an athlete is jumping/throwing and hears their race called, they need to:
    1. Tell the event official that they have a race and which race it is
    2. Get to the clerks behind snack shack, sign in, and stay there
    3. Return to the field event as soon as their race is over
  • Alternates check in as soon as the race is called. Alternates in races need to stay put with the clerks. You won't know if you're running until the head clerk closes the event or all the regular athletes check in. I would recommend staying until they are actually walked out to the start line.
Have Fun
It's always worth a reminder that in this league and on this team, sportsmanship, effort, friendship, and fun take precedence over winning. So encourage your sons and daughters to put forth their best efforts and let the chips fall where they may.

See you on the track!

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